For millions of people, being able to find clean drinking water is often taken for granted. For those who live in rural areas that do not have access to public water systems, this is not the case. For these individuals, which comprise a large portion of those living in the United States, there are few options, including drinking bottled water.
Many that fall into this category, however, rely on ponds, springs or wells for their drinking water. In these instances, there are costs involved to provide and maintain a private water system. For those who choose a well, there may be a tendency to think that getting water from this source is as easy as digging a well, the reality is that it is often necessary to have an underground storage tank Tampa FL.
Private Water System
In other instances, the water is supplied through a groundwater system that is privately owned. There are two major types of private water supply systems.
The first provides water for at least 60 days to as many as 25 people. These systems can have 15 individual service hookups at the most. These types of water supply systems typically use groundwater wells.
Individual homes that utilize a private groundwater well comprise the second type of private water system. In this case, the homeowner is solely responsible for the maintenance of the water processing.
In either case, it is essential for the property owners to ensure that the drinking water is safe. This is because, unlike public drinking water systems, water wells or other individual water systems are not regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
There are other types of private water systems to consider. By doing careful research, you can decide on the one that is affordable and will provide clean drinking water for you and your family.