Thursday - February 13,2025
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What Should You Do When You Move into a New Home?

There are many reasons why people move into a new home. Some get married and start a family, while others only want to become more independent. But both situations would eventually happen to anyone as they age.

That is why when you move out of your parents’ home and get a new place, you should be mindful of what you need to do. Take note that becoming independent is not that easy. There are many things to consider and tasks to do before you can have your fun and relax in your humble abode.

Just imagine what you should do if you move in when your home is not yet ready. Does your new place have enough essentials you would need to live a carefree life? Of course not, since most landlords would only provide the basic things such as a mattress, chair, and table. Some may not even bat an eye to lend you a storage bed frame to put the mattress on, so you would not sleep on the floor.

Sometimes, when you rent an unfurnished home, there are no things inside. That is why you will need to prepare and get everything ready ahead of time. Otherwise, you would suffer a lot, and things could get messy if you do it later when you move.

To not let that happen to you, this article will help you get prepared. Below are the things you need to do before and after you move into your new home.


What Should I Do Before Moving into a New Home?

Whether you will be moving nearby or far from your former home, there are many things you need to prepare. Bearing that in mind might exhaust you from overthinking, even before you can move into your new home.

That is why you should relax and take a deep breath. Take note that doing things one step at a time helps. This method makes the moving process less overwhelming and stressful. Similar to assembling a dining table in Singapore. You would need to construct it step-by-step as what the manual says.

So far, here are the things you need to check off before moving into your home. Once you do, the rest will run well as planned.



If you are moving from your parent’s home, you would not have to do this since you have no utilities to transfer in the first place.

But if you already moved out a long time ago, and are settling into a new home, then do not forget to call your electricity and water supply provider. Let them know where and the date you will move in. Doing so will give them time to forward your records to that area.


Everyone knows that no one can’t live without entertainment. Most of the time, after going home from work, we spend our time watching Netflix on TV or browsing the internet. All of those could happen while relaxing on a sofa in Singapore right before going to bed.

If that is your habit after work, the more you need to set up your TV and get the internet reconnection. To do that, make sure to give your internet provider a call at least a month before your move-in date.


Since you will be moving somewhere else, you will need to update your home address so nothing will get sent from your former home. Also, a report from Strait Times says that if you fail to update your home address within 28 days after you move in, you will need to pay S$5,000 or go to jail for five years, or both.

That is why make sure not to forget and change your home address as soon as you move into a new place. If you have no time to do it in person, you can do it online here.


If you have many things you inherited from your parents and grandparents, it is not natural to get nervous when moving. But to lessen your worry, take pictures of those valuable things so you would know which ones get damaged during the move. Plus, these images can serve as your checklist to make sure that nothing went missing.


Even if you are still in Singapore, the place you will move to is still a new neighbourhood. That means you do not know any shortcuts and how to get there in a short time. That is why before you settle there, you should familiarise yourself with the establishment of your new neighbourhood. Know which hospital or police station to go to in case something happens.


No matter how few your belongings are, you can’t move into your new home in an hour. You would need at least a whole day to set everything up. Therefore, take a day off on the day of your move. Doing so would give you enough time to settle in and not miss anything from your former home.


But before that day comes, you would need to clean your new place. Just like when starting a painting, you would need a clean canvas to paint what you have in your mind. In other words, a spotless home helps you set up your belongings without a problem. You would not spend your time sneezing just because your new place has so much dust inside.


If you move into a newly furnished home, you would not have to worry about this. But if someone else uses the place where you will be moving in the past, you have to get everything repaired. Otherwise, you would only suffer. Just imagine what would happen to your newly bought leather sofa in Singapore if the pipes in your new home are leaking? Not only will it get wet, but it could also cause some damage.


Naturally, when you move, you have to pack your things. But packing alone is not enough. You have to do it with a plan, so you would not have a hard time unpacking them when you reach your new home.

To help you out, here are the things you need to remember when packing your belongings.

  • Label each box by colour and text. For example, for fragile items, use red, for sharp objects, use blue, and for antiques, use brown.
  • Use old newspapers to wrap fragile items like glasses. Doing this will help things not get damaged.
  • For valuable things like smartphones and Microsoft Surface, put them together along with other essential items. Make sure to bring this box separately so nothing will break.

Getting all of these ready would indeed make your move-in date a lot less stressful than you could have imagined. You might have more time to meet your new neighbours and explore the entire neighbourhood.


What Should I Do On the Day I Move?

Just a heads up, moving day is super tiring. That is why you should seek help to move and unpack your belongings into your new home.

If your family and friends are not available on your move-in date, you can hire professional movers to give you a hand. With their help, your moving process will be a lot less stressful! They might even help you set up your new dining table and chair in Singapore.

Nevertheless, here are the things you would need to do on the day move.



As mentioned earlier, if your new home has a previous owner, who knows what they did with their keys. They might have several copies and gave some to their family and friends. Just imagine how unsafe that is when someone else enters your house using the key they have in hand.

That is why when you move, you should change all the locks. Doing so will give you peace of mind that your new home is safe from intruders.


We all know that no matter how careful we are, anything can happen. As a homeowner, it is a good idea to grasp where these things are. Knowing these will help you a lot in case of emergencies.

For example, when your faucets are leaking, you need to switch off the main water valve. It will help prevent your home from getting flooded before the plumber comes.


Your home will be safer if you set up a security system. Besides installing some surveillance cameras, your doors should have security hardware. That will keep the trespassers away from your home. Plus, if they trespass on your home, they cannot quickly get through with your security system.

You can do more than these things to make your moving process less challenging. Take note that becoming more prepared is better than settling into a new place empty-handed. That is why take your time preparing these things before your move-in day comes.


What Must-Have Your New Home Will Need?

Living by yourself can be challenging, especially if your new home is unfurnished. Even more, if you are someone who lives with their parents for years. Can you imagine yourself sleeping on the floor without a storage bed frame? Or eating your meals without sitting on a dining chair in Singapore? Do not let such things happen to you by getting these must-haves ahead of time.



To make sure you would not suffer from getting your furniture repairs, buy new ones instead! Doing so allows you to choose the right one that matches the interior design of your new home. Plus, the furniture shop can help you assemble the storage bed frame and all other furniture you bought from them. They can even let you have what you want as long as you pay your bills within the instalment period.


Even though your neighbours can lend you their tools, some would not since you are a stranger to them. To save the thought of borrowing a screwdriver or hammer, get one yourself. Keep in mind that having a toolbox is very helpful when you need to do some DIY repair in your home.


As mentioned before, anything can happen at any time. That is how life works, which is why every home needs a first aid kit. This emergency tool can save your day when you accidentally cut your finger while cooking or got a wound when you fall off the floor.

Just in case you have no idea what a first aid kit contains, check out this article from the Red Cross. Not only do they provide a list of what you need to get, but they also explain what each item is for.


Again, no matter how careful you are, accidents could happen. When it comes to fire, anything can get burned and destroyed in a few seconds as fire spreads quickly. As a responsible homeowner, you should be ready when such situations come. Besides having a fire extinguisher, you should also need to know how to use it. Doing so would help you not panic when these unfortunate events happen.


To make sure your home is always neat and tidy, you should clean it every day. Use the right cleaning supplies, so no speck of dust is left behind. Having the right tools could also help you do proper maintenance with your furniture and other equipment at home.

For example, a leather sofa in Singapore requires a layer application of leather conditioner after vacuuming and cleaning the dirt away. To know what exactly you should use to maintain furniture, ask the shop where you bought them.


If your new home does not have enough space, you should use a storage bed frame. This furniture allows you to store and keep anything beneath the bed. As such, you would have more space you can use for other things you have.

Just in case you are wondering where you should get these must-haves like a storage bed frame or a dining chair in Singapore, go to Harvey Norman. They have several items on display that can help you a lot if you bought them into your new home.