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Saltwater Restoration Process: What Every Homeowner Should Know

Flooding can happen at any time. From storms, hurricanes, to rising tides, every homeowner should be prepared for flooding problems. However, you should know that there is a wide range of flooding other than the annoying pool of water in your yard or kitchen—the content of floodwater matters a lot. In a saltwater flood, for instance, you may be facing a whole different level of risk than fresh water.

Dangers of a Saltwater Flood

Saltwater reacts with most metals in your home (such as iron, zinc, or steel) as well as insulation on your electrical wires and the wiring itself. Salt also reacts with concrete and just about all the materials used to construct your home.

Salt suspended in water also carries an electrical charge. So, if the power was on in your home when it was filling with the saltwater flood, the water immediately becomes a lethal carrier of electrical current. This is why it is always advisable to listen to what local authorities say during a saltwater flood situation. If they say that you evacuate, do so immediately to avoid exposing yourself and your family to electric shock risks and other dangers.

Saltwater also enhances the fast growth of molds. Any type of flooding comes with mold and mildew issues but the issues are even greater when the floodwater is salty.

Saltwater Restoration Process

In an effective saltwater restoration process, freshwater must be used. Freshwater is often needed to wash the salt and bathe the affected areas. Freshwater is flushed through the affected surfaces and materials and then pumped out with the salt water. This usually done by professional water restoration experts and is followed with meticulous monitoring of the salt levels.

Electrical wiring, systems, and outlets may also need to be flushed with fresh water. This is then followed by inspection and replacement of the systems where possible.

When the water restoration process is underway, it is important to be on the lookout for the growth and spread of molds. Like other types of flooding, saltwater can lead to growth and fast spread of mold if proper mold remediation is not done.

After flooding, everything in the affected areas should be thoroughly dried out with fans and heaters to eliminate moisture that may be trapped in the walls, insulations, wood, and other structural components. Any flood-damaged item or material should be covered, plastered, or painted until they are totally dry. Most importantly, it is advisable to take action as soon as possible as a saltwater flood can wreak havoc in a matter of a few hours.

Final Thoughts

Saltwater restoration is not something that you should do alone. It is recommended to call a professional water restoration company to help you with the process. Professionals can help you remove saltwater from your wood paneling, dry wall, floors, and everywhere else you may need assistance after saltwater flood damage. Professionals also have the right water restoration tools to encounter any type of flooding, including salt water.