Wednesday - September 11,2024
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Look At the Sample Letter for Asking Financial Help for Medical Bills

Are you struggling a lot to pay off the medical bills, which incur due to the unexpected event? Get the financial support from the people or institution. To do so, you can write a letter asking for financial support for medical expenses. Stopping the treatment due to the lack of funds may put you or your loved one’s lives at the risk. At present, many private and public programs are there providing the medical assistance for the people through free medicines or paying the medical bills.

If the treatment and medicine cost more than you afford and do not have the insurance, then writing the hardship letter is the best way to collect the necessary fund. As soon as you start to write the letter, ensure it contains enough information about the patient such as;

  • Account reference numbers
  • SSN
  • Price of the medicine
  • Name of the treatments and procedures
  • Hospital and clinic name
  • Income of the patient

The hardship letter must be geared to the audience. The letter should be written in the formal business style and then sent by the certified mail. Do not forget to attach the documents of the medical bill. Here is the sample letter requesting the financial assistance.

Name of the sender

Sender’s address

City, State, and Zipcode


Name of the receiver

Receiver’s company name

Receiver’s address

City, State, and Zipcode

RE: Requesting the financial support for medical

Dear (Receiver’s name)

My name is (your name) and I was patient at (hospital/clinic) on (date). I received (treatment and specific procedure).  (Tell about your insurance coverage if you have).  I have been on the payment plan, which makes me pay (amount) per month. I have attached (related financial documents) to this letter. My monthly income is (amount) and how long I take to repay the amount. Please give me the enough funds to pay off the medical bill.


(Sender’s name)